
object IO extends TaskInstancesLevel0 with Serializable

Builders for IO.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, TaskInstancesLevel0, TaskInstancesLevel1, TaskInstancesLevel2, TaskParallelNewtype, TaskContextShift, TaskTimers, TaskClocks, Companion, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. IO
  2. Serializable
  3. TaskInstancesLevel0
  4. TaskInstancesLevel1
  5. TaskInstancesLevel2
  6. TaskParallelNewtype
  7. TaskContextShift
  8. TaskTimers
  9. TaskClocks
  10. Companion
  11. AnyRef
  12. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AsyncBuilder[CancelationToken] extends AnyRef

    The AsyncBuilder is a type used by the IO.create builder, in order to change its behavior based on the type of the cancelation token.

    The AsyncBuilder is a type used by the IO.create builder, in order to change its behavior based on the type of the cancelation token.

    In combination with the Partially-Applied Type technique, this ends up providing a polymorphic IO.create that can support multiple cancelation tokens optimally, i.e. without implicit conversions and that can be optimized depending on the CancelToken used - for example if Unit is returned, then the yielded task will not be cancelable and the internal implementation will not have to worry about managing it, thus increasing performance.

  2. final case class Options(autoCancelableRunLoops: Boolean, localContextPropagation: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Set of options for customizing the task's behavior.

    Set of options for customizing the task's behavior.

    See IO.defaultOptions for the default Options instance used by IO.runAsync or IO.runToFuture.


    should be set to true in case you want flatMap driven loops to be auto-cancelable. Defaults to true.


    should be set to true in case you want the Local variables to be propagated on async boundaries. Defaults to false.

  3. type Par[+E, +A] = TaskParallelNewtype.Par.Type[E, A]

    Newtype encoding for a Task data type that has a cats.Applicative capable of doing parallel processing in ap and map2, needed for implementing cats.Parallel.

    Newtype encoding for a Task data type that has a cats.Applicative capable of doing parallel processing in ap and map2, needed for implementing cats.Parallel.

    Helpers are provided for converting back and forth in Par.apply for wrapping any Task value and Par.unwrap for unwrapping.

    The encoding is based on the "newtypes" project by Alexander Konovalov, chosen because it's devoid of boxing issues and a good choice until opaque types will land in Scala.

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def apply[A](a: => A): Task[A]

    Lifts the given thunk in the IO context, processing it synchronously when the task gets evaluated.

    Lifts the given thunk in the IO context, processing it synchronously when the task gets evaluated.

    This is an alias for:

    val thunk = () => 42

    WARN: behavior of IO.apply has changed since 3.0.0-RC2. Before the change (during Monix 2.x series), this operation was forcing a fork, being equivalent to the new IO.evalAsync.

    Switch to IO.evalAsync if you wish the old behavior, or combine IO.eval with IO.executeAsync.

  5. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  6. def async[E, A](register: (BiCallback[E, A]) => Unit): IO[E, A]

    Create a non-cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion.

    Create a non-cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion.

    This operation is the implementation for cats.effect.Async and is thus yielding non-cancelable tasks, being the simplified version of IO.cancelable. This can be used to translate from a callback-based API to pure Task values that cannot be canceled.

    See the the documentation for cats.effect.Async.

    For example, in case we wouldn't have IO.deferFuture already defined, we could do this:

    import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
    import scala.util._
    def deferFuture[A](f: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Task[A] =
      Task.async { cb =>
        // N.B. we could do `f.onComplete(cb)` directly ;-)
        f.onComplete {
          case Success(a) => cb.onSuccess(a)
          case Failure(e) => cb.onError(e)

    Note that this function needs an explicit ExecutionContext in order to trigger Future#complete, however Monix's Task can inject a Scheduler for you, thus allowing you to get rid of these pesky execution contexts being passed around explicitly. See IO.async0.

    CONTRACT for register:

    See also

    IO.async0 for a variant that also injects a Scheduler into the provided callback, useful for forking, or delaying tasks or managing async boundaries

    IO.cancelable and IO.cancelable0 for creating cancelable tasks

    IO.create for the builder that does it all

  7. def async0[E, A](register: (Scheduler, BiCallback[E, A]) => Unit): IO[E, A]

    Create a non-cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion, a function that also injects a Scheduler for managing async boundaries.

    Create a non-cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion, a function that also injects a Scheduler for managing async boundaries.

    This operation is the implementation for cats.effect.Async and is thus yielding non-cancelable tasks, being the simplified version of IO.cancelable0. It can be used to translate from a callback-based API to pure Task values that cannot be canceled.

    See the the documentation for cats.effect.Async.

    For example, in case we wouldn't have IO.deferFuture already defined, we could do this:

    import scala.concurrent.Future
    import scala.util._
    def deferFuture[A](f: => Future[A]): Task[A] =
      Task.async0 { (scheduler, cb) =>
        // We are being given an ExecutionContext ;-)
        implicit val ec = scheduler
        // N.B. we could do `f.onComplete(cb)` directly ;-)
        f.onComplete {
          case Success(a) => cb.onSuccess(a)
          case Failure(e) => cb.onError(e)

    Note that this function doesn't need an implicit ExecutionContext. Compared with usage of IO.async, this function injects a Scheduler for us to use for managing async boundaries.

    CONTRACT for register:

    NOTES on the naming:

    • async comes from cats.effect.Async#async
    • the 0 suffix is about overloading the simpler IO.async builder
    See also

    IO.async for a simpler variant that doesn't inject a Scheduler, in case you don't need one

    IO.cancelable and IO.cancelable0 for creating cancelable tasks

    IO.create for the builder that does it all

  8. def asyncF[E, A](register: (BiCallback[E, A]) => IO[E, Unit]): IO[E, A]

    Suspends an asynchronous side effect in IO, this being a variant of async that takes a pure registration function.

    Suspends an asynchronous side effect in IO, this being a variant of async that takes a pure registration function.

    Implements cats.effect.Async.asyncF.

    The difference versus async is that this variant can suspend side-effects via the provided function parameter. It's more relevant in polymorphic code making use of the cats.effect.Async type class, as it alleviates the need for cats.effect.Effect.

    Contract for the returned IO[E, Unit] in the provided function:

    • can be asynchronous
    • can be cancelable, in which case it hooks into IO's cancelation mechanism such that the resulting task is cancelable
    • it should not end in error, because the provided callback is the only way to signal the final result and it can only be called once, so invoking it twice would be a contract violation; so on errors thrown in IO, the task can become non-terminating, with the error being printed via Scheduler.reportFailure
    See also

    IO.async and IO.async0 for a simpler variants

    Task.cancelable and IO.cancelable0 for creating cancelable tasks

  9. val cancelBoundary: UIO[Unit]

    Returns a cancelable boundary — a Task that checks for the cancellation status of the run-loop and does not allow for the bind continuation to keep executing in case cancellation happened.

    Returns a cancelable boundary — a Task that checks for the cancellation status of the run-loop and does not allow for the bind continuation to keep executing in case cancellation happened.

    This operation is very similar to Task.shift, as it can be dropped in flatMap chains in order to make loops cancelable.


    import cats.syntax.all._
    def fib(n: Int, a: Long, b: Long): Task[Long] =
      Task.suspend {
        if (n <= 0) Task.pure(a) else {
          val next = fib(n - 1, b, a + b)
          // Every 100-th cycle, check cancellation status
          if (n % 100 == 0)
            Task.cancelBoundary *> next

    NOTE: that by default Task is configured to be auto-cancelable (see IO.Options), so this isn't strictly needed, unless you want to fine tune the cancelation boundaries.

  10. def cancelable[E, A](register: (BiCallback[E, A]) => CancelToken[[β$0$]IO[E, β$0$]]): IO[E, A]

    Create a cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation that can be canceled, taking the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion.

    Create a cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation that can be canceled, taking the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion.

    This operation is the implementation for cats.effect.Concurrent#cancelable and is thus yielding cancelable tasks. It can be used to translate from a callback-based API to pure Task values that can be canceled.

    See the the documentation for cats.effect.Concurrent.

    For example, in case we wouldn't have IO.delayExecution already defined and we wanted to delay evaluation using a Java ScheduledExecutorService (no need for that because we've got Scheduler, but lets say for didactic purposes):

    import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
    import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    import scala.util.control.NonFatal
    def delayed[A](sc: ScheduledExecutorService, timespan: FiniteDuration)
      (thunk: => A)
      (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Task[A] = {
      Task.cancelable { cb =>
        val future = sc.schedule(new Runnable { // scheduling delay
          def run() = ec.execute(new Runnable { // scheduling thunk execution
            def run() =
              catch { case NonFatal(e) =>
        // Returning the cancelation token that is able to cancel the
        // scheduling in case the active computation hasn't finished yet
        Task { future.cancel(false); () }

    Note in this sample we are passing an implicit ExecutionContext in order to do the actual processing, the ScheduledExecutorService being in charge just of scheduling. We don't need to do that, as Task affords to have a Scheduler injected instead via IO.cancelable0.

    CONTRACT for register:


    is a function that will be called when this Task is executed, receiving a callback as a parameter, a callback that the user is supposed to call in order to signal the desired outcome of this Task. This function also receives a Scheduler that can be used for managing asynchronous boundaries, a scheduler being nothing more than an evolved ExecutionContext.

    See also

    IO.cancelable0 for the version that also injects a Scheduler in that callback

    IO.async0 and Task.async for the simpler versions of this builder that create non-cancelable tasks from callback-based APIs

    IO.create for the builder that does it all

  11. def cancelable0[E, A](register: (Scheduler, BiCallback[E, A]) => CancelToken[[β$1$]IO[E, β$1$]]): IO[E, A]

    Create a cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion, a function that also injects a Scheduler for managing async boundaries.

    Create a cancelable Task from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form of a function with which we can register a callback to execute upon completion, a function that also injects a Scheduler for managing async boundaries.

    This operation is the implementation for cats.effect.Concurrent#cancelable and is thus yielding cancelable tasks. It can be used to translate from a callback-based API to pure Task values that can be canceled.

    See the the documentation for cats.effect.Concurrent.

    For example, in case we wouldn't have IO.delayExecution already defined and we wanted to delay evaluation using a Java ScheduledExecutorService (no need for that because we've got Scheduler, but lets say for didactic purposes):

    import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    import scala.util.control.NonFatal
    def delayed1[A](sc: ScheduledExecutorService, timespan: FiniteDuration)
      (thunk: => A): Task[A] = {
      Task.cancelable0 { (scheduler, cb) =>
        val future = sc.schedule(new Runnable { // scheduling delay
          def run = scheduler.execute(new Runnable { // scheduling thunk execution
            def run() =
              catch { case NonFatal(e) =>
        // Returning the cancel token that is able to cancel the
        // scheduling in case the active computation hasn't finished yet
        Task { future.cancel(false); () }

    As can be seen, the passed function needs to pass a Cancelable in order to specify cancelation logic.

    This is a sample given for didactic purposes. Our cancelable0 is being injected a Scheduler and it is perfectly capable of doing such delayed execution without help from Java's standard library:

    def delayed2[A](timespan: FiniteDuration)(thunk: => A): Task[A] =
      Task.cancelable0 { (scheduler, cb) =>
        // N.B. this already returns the Cancelable that we need!
        val cancelable = scheduler.scheduleOnce(timespan) {
          try cb.onSuccess(thunk)
          catch { case NonFatal(e) => cb.onError(e) }
        // `scheduleOnce` above returns a Cancelable, which
        // has to be converted into a Task[Unit]

    CONTRACT for register:

    NOTES on the naming:

    • cancelable comes from cats.effect.Concurrent#cancelable
    • the 0 suffix is about overloading the simpler IO.cancelable builder

    is a function that will be called when this Task is executed, receiving a callback as a parameter, a callback that the user is supposed to call in order to signal the desired outcome of this Task. This function also receives a Scheduler that can be used for managing asynchronous boundaries, a scheduler being nothing more than an evolved ExecutionContext.

    See also

    Task.cancelable for the simpler variant that doesn't inject the Scheduler in that callback

    IO.async0 and IO.async for the simpler versions of this builder that create non-cancelable tasks from callback-based APIs

    IO.create for the builder that does it all

  12. implicit def catsAsync: CatsConcurrentForTask

    Global instance for cats.effect.Async and for cats.effect.Concurrent.

    Global instance for cats.effect.Async and for cats.effect.Concurrent.

    Implied are also cats.CoflatMap, cats.Applicative, cats.Monad, cats.MonadError and cats.effect.Sync.

    As trivia, it's named "catsAsync" and not "catsConcurrent" because it represents the cats.effect.Async lineage, up until cats.effect.Effect, which imposes extra restrictions, in our case the need for a Scheduler to be in scope (see IO.catsEffect). So by naming the lineage, not the concrete sub-type implemented, we avoid breaking compatibility whenever a new type class (that we can implement) gets added into Cats.

    Seek more info about Cats, the standard library for FP, at:

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit def catsEffect(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options = IO.defaultOptions): CatsConcurrentEffectForTask

    Global instance for cats.effect.Effect and for cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect.

    Global instance for cats.effect.Effect and for cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect.

    Implied are cats.CoflatMap, cats.Applicative, cats.Monad, cats.MonadError, cats.effect.Sync and cats.effect.Async.

    Note this is different from IO.catsAsync because we need an implicit Scheduler in scope in order to trigger the execution of a Task. It's also lower priority in order to not trigger conflicts, because Effect <: Async and ConcurrentEffect <: Concurrent with Effect.

    As trivia, it's named "catsEffect" and not "catsConcurrentEffect" because it represents the cats.effect.Effect lineage, as in the minimum that this value will support in the future. So by naming the lineage, not the concrete sub-type implemented, we avoid breaking compatibility whenever a new type class (that we can implement) gets added into Cats.

    Seek more info about Cats, the standard library for FP, at:


    is a Scheduler that needs to be available in scope

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit def catsMonoid[E, A](implicit A: Monoid[A]): Monoid[IO[E, A]]

    Given an A type that has a cats.Monoid[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that IO[E, A] also has a Monoid[ IO[E, A] ] implementation.

    Given an A type that has a cats.Monoid[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that IO[E, A] also has a Monoid[ IO[E, A] ] implementation.

    Definition Classes
  15. implicit def catsParallel[E]: Aux[[β$3$]IO[E, β$3$], [β$4$]TaskParallelNewtype.Par.Type[E, β$4$]]

    Global instance for cats.Parallel.

    Global instance for cats.Parallel.

    The Parallel type class is useful for processing things in parallel in a generic way, usable with Cats' utils and syntax:

    import cats.syntax.all._
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    val taskA = Task.sleep(1.seconds).map(_ => "a")
    val taskB = Task.sleep(2.seconds).map(_ => "b")
    val taskC = Task.sleep(3.seconds).map(_ => "c")
    // Returns "abc" after 3 seconds
    (taskA, taskB, taskC).parMapN { (a, b, c) =>
      a + b + c

    Seek more info about Cats, the standard library for FP, at:

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def catsSemigroup[E, A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[IO[E, A]]

    Given an A type that has a cats.Semigroup[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that IO[E, A] also has a Semigroup[ IO[E, A] ] implementation.

    Given an A type that has a cats.Semigroup[A] implementation, then this provides the evidence that IO[E, A] also has a Semigroup[ IO[E, A] ] implementation.

    This has a lower-level priority than IO.catsMonoid in order to avoid conflicts.

    Definition Classes
  17. def clock[E](s: Scheduler): Clock[[β$30$]IO[E, β$30$]]

    Builds a cats.effect.Clock instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Builds a cats.effect.Clock instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Definition Classes
  18. def clock[E]: Clock[[β$26$]IO[E, β$26$]]

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.Clock implementation that defers the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.Clock implementation that defers the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Definition Classes
  19. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  20. implicit def commutativeApplicative[E]: CommutativeApplicative[[β$7$]TaskParallelNewtype.Par.Type[E, β$7$]]

    Global instance for cats.CommutativeApplicative

    Global instance for cats.CommutativeApplicative

    Definition Classes
  21. def contextShift[E](s: Scheduler): ContextShift[[β$16$]IO[E, β$16$]]

    Builds a cats.effect.ContextShift instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Builds a cats.effect.ContextShift instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def contextShift[E]: ContextShift[[β$12$]IO[E, β$12$]]

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.ContextShift implementation that shifts the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.ContextShift implementation that shifts the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Definition Classes
  23. def create[E, A]: CreatePartiallyApplied[E, A]

    Polymorphic Task builder that is able to describe asynchronous tasks depending on the type of the given callback.

    Polymorphic Task builder that is able to describe asynchronous tasks depending on the type of the given callback.

    Note that this function uses the Partially-Applied Type technique.

    Calling create with a callback that returns Unit is equivalent with IO.async0:

    Task.async0(f) <-> Task.create(f)


    import scala.concurrent.Future
    def deferFuture[A](f: => Future[A]): Task[A] =
      Task.create { (scheduler, cb) =>

    We could return a Cancelable reference and thus make a cancelable task. Example:

    import monix.execution.Cancelable
    import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
    import scala.util.Try
    def delayResult1[A](timespan: FiniteDuration)(thunk: => A): Task[A] =
      Task.create { (scheduler, cb) =>
        val c = scheduler.scheduleOnce(timespan)(cb(Try(thunk)))
        // We can simply return `c`, but doing this for didactic purposes!
        Cancelable(() => c.cancel())

    Passed function can also return cats.effect.IO[Unit] as a task that describes a cancelation action:

    import cats.effect.{IO => CIO}
    def delayResult2[A](timespan: FiniteDuration)(thunk: => A): Task[A] =
      Task.create { (scheduler, cb) =>
        val c = scheduler.scheduleOnce(timespan)(cb(Try(thunk)))
        // We can simply return `c`, but doing this for didactic purposes!

    Passed function can also return Task[Unit] as a task that describes a cancelation action, thus for an f that can be passed to IO.cancelable0, and this equivalence holds:

    Task.cancelable(f) <-> Task.create(f)

    def delayResult3[A](timespan: FiniteDuration)(thunk: => A): Task[A] =
      Task.create { (scheduler, cb) =>
        val c = scheduler.scheduleOnce(timespan)(cb(Try(thunk)))
        // We can simply return `c`, but doing this for didactic purposes!

    The supported types for the cancelation tokens are:

    Support for more might be added in the future.

  24. val defaultOptions: Options

    Default Options to use for IO evaluation, thus:

    Default Options to use for IO evaluation, thus:

    • autoCancelableRunLoops is true by default
    • localContextPropagation is false by default

    On top of the JVM the default can be overridden by setting the following system properties:

    • monix.environment.autoCancelableRunLoops (false, no or 0 for disabling)
    • monix.environment.localContextPropagation (true, yes or 1 for enabling)
    See also


  25. def defer[A](fa: => Task[A]): Task[A]

    Defers the creation of a Task in case it is effectful.

    Defers the creation of a Task in case it is effectful.

    It will catch any exceptions thrown in fa and expose them as a typed error.

    See also

    deferTotal if fa is not expected to throw any exceptions.

  26. def deferAction[E, A](f: (Scheduler) => IO[E, A]): IO[E, A]

    Defers the creation of a Task by using the provided function, which has the ability to inject a needed Scheduler.

    Defers the creation of a Task by using the provided function, which has the ability to inject a needed Scheduler.


    import scala.concurrent.duration.MILLISECONDS
    def measureLatency[A](source: Task[A]): Task[(A, Long)] =
      Task.deferAction { implicit s =>
        // We have our Scheduler, which can inject time, we
        // can use it for side-effectful operations
        val start = s.clockRealTime(MILLISECONDS)
    { a =>
          val finish = s.clockRealTime(MILLISECONDS)
          (a, finish - start)

    is the function that's going to be called when the resulting Task gets evaluated

  27. def deferFuture[A](fa: => Future[A]): Task[A]

    Promote a non-strict Scala Future to a Task of the same type.

    Promote a non-strict Scala Future to a Task of the same type.

    The equivalent of doing:

    import scala.concurrent.Future
    def mkFuture = Future.successful(27)
  28. def deferFutureAction[A](f: (Scheduler) => Future[A]): Task[A]

    Wraps calls that generate Future results into Task, provided a callback with an injected Scheduler to act as the necessary ExecutionContext.

    Wraps calls that generate Future results into Task, provided a callback with an injected Scheduler to act as the necessary ExecutionContext.

    This builder helps with wrapping Future-enabled APIs that need an implicit ExecutionContext to work. Consider this example:

    import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
    def sumFuture(list: Seq[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Int] =

    We'd like to wrap this function into one that returns a lazy Task that evaluates this sum every time it is called, because that's how tasks work best. However in order to invoke this function an ExecutionContext is needed:

    def sumTask(list: Seq[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Task[Int] =

    But this is not only superfluous, but against the best practices of using Task. The difference is that Task takes a Scheduler (inheriting from ExecutionContext) only when runAsync happens. But with deferFutureAction we get to have an injected Scheduler in the passed callback:

    def sumTask2(list: Seq[Int]): Task[Int] =
      Task.deferFutureAction { implicit scheduler =>

    is the function that's going to be executed when the task gets evaluated, generating the wrapped Future

  29. def deferFutureEither[E, A](fa: => Future[Either[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Promote a non-strict Scala Future wrapping a Scala Either[E, A] to a IO[E, A].

  30. def deferTotal[E, A](fa: => IO[E, A]): IO[E, A]

    Defers the creation of a IO in case it is effectful.

    Defers the creation of a IO in case it is effectful.

    See also

    defer if fa is expected to throw exceptions and you would like to expose them as typed errors.

  31. def delay[A](a: => A): Task[A]

    Alias for eval.

  32. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  33. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  34. def eval[A](a: => A): Task[A]

    Promote a non-strict value, a thunk, to a IO, catching exceptions in the process.

    Promote a non-strict value, a thunk, to a IO, catching exceptions in the process.

    Note that since IO is not memoized or strict, this will recompute the value each time the IO is executed, behaving like a function.


    is the thunk to process on evaluation

    See also

    evalTotal if a is not expected to throw any exceptions.

  35. def evalAsync[A](a: => A): Task[A]

    Lifts a non-strict value, a thunk, to a Task that will trigger a logical fork before evaluation.

    Lifts a non-strict value, a thunk, to a Task that will trigger a logical fork before evaluation.

    Like eval, but the provided thunk will not be evaluated immediately. Equivalence:

    Task.evalAsync(a) <-> Task.eval(a).executeAsync


    is the thunk to process on evaluation

  36. def evalOnce[A](a: => A): Task[A]

    Promote a non-strict value to a IO that is memoized on the first evaluation, the result being then available on subsequent evaluations.

  37. def evalTotal[A](a: => A): UIO[A]

    Promote a non-strict value which does not throw any unexpected errors to UIO.

    Promote a non-strict value which does not throw any unexpected errors to UIO.

    Note that since IO is not memoized or strict, this will recompute the value each time the IO is executed, behaving like a function.


    is the thunk to process on evaluation

    See also

    eval if a is expected to throw exceptions and you want to expose them in a typed error channel.

  38. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  39. def from[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: IOLike[F]): Task[A]

    Converts into a Task from any F[_] for which there exists a IOLike implementation.

    Converts into a Task from any F[_] for which there exists a IOLike implementation.

    Supported types include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  40. def fromCancelablePromise[A](p: CancelablePromise[A]): Task[A]

    Wraps a monix.execution.CancelablePromise into Task.

  41. def fromCancelablePromiseEither[E, A](p: CancelablePromise[Either[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Wraps a monix.execution.CancelablePromise into IO.

  42. def fromConcurrentEffect[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): Task[A]

    Builds a Task out of any data type that implements Concurrent and ConcurrentEffect.

    Builds a Task out of any data type that implements Concurrent and ConcurrentEffect.


    import cats.effect.{IO => CIO, _}
    import cats.syntax.all._
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    implicit val timer = CIO.timer(global)
    implicit val cs = CIO.contextShift(global)
    val cio = CIO.sleep(5.seconds) *> CIO(println("Hello!"))
    // Resulting task is cancelable
    val task: Task[Unit] = IO.fromConcurrentEffect(cio)

    Cancellation / finalization behavior is carried over, so the resulting task can be safely cancelled.


    is the cats.effect.Effect type class instance necessary for converting to Task; this instance can also be a cats.effect.Concurrent, in which case the resulting Task value is cancelable if the source also is

    See also

    IO.liftToConcurrent for its dual

    IO.fromEffect for a version that works with simpler, non-cancelable Async data types

    IO.from for a more generic version that works with any IOLike data type

  43. def fromEffect[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: Effect[F]): Task[A]

    Builds a IO out of any data type that implements Async and Effect.

    Builds a IO out of any data type that implements Async and Effect.


    import cats.effect.{IO => CIO}
    val cio: CIO[Unit] = CIO(println("Hello!"))
    val task: Task[Unit] = IO.fromEffect(cio)

    WARNING: the resulting task might not carry the source's cancellation behavior if the source is cancelable! This is implicit in the usage of Effect.


    is the cats.effect.Effect type class instance necessary for converting to Task; this instance can also be a cats.effect.Concurrent, in which case the resulting Task value is cancelable if the source also is

    See also

    IO.fromConcurrentEffect for a version that can use Concurrent for converting cancelable tasks.

    IO.from for a more generic version that works with any IOLike data type

    for its dual

  44. def fromEither[E, A](a: Either[E, A]): IO[E, A]

    Builds a Task instance out of a Scala Either.

  45. def fromFuture[A](f: Future[A]): Task[A]

    Converts the given Scala Future into a Task.

    Converts the given Scala Future into a Task.

    There is an async boundary inserted at the end to guarantee that we stay on the main Scheduler.

    NOTE: if you want to defer the creation of the future, use in combination with defer.

  46. def fromFutureEither[E, A](a: Future[Either[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Builds a IO instance out of a Scala Either wrapped in a Scala Future

  47. def fromFutureLike[F[_], A](tfa: Task[F[A]])(implicit F: FutureLift[Task, F]): Task[A]

    Converts any Future-like data-type into a Task, via monix.catnap.FutureLift.

  48. def fromOption[E, A](opt: Option[A], ifEmpty: => E): IO[E, A]

    Builds a IO instance out of a Scala Option.

    Builds a IO instance out of a Scala Option. If the Option is empty, the task fails with the provided fallback.

    See also

    IO.fromOptionEval for a version that takes a IO[E, Option[A]] Example:

    final case class NotFound()
    IO.fromOption(Some(1), NotFound()) // <->
    IO.fromOption(None, NotFound())   // <-> IO.raiseError(NotFound())
  49. def fromOption[A](opt: Option[A]): IO[Unit, A]

    Builds a IO instance out of a Scala Option.

    Builds a IO instance out of a Scala Option. If the Option is empty, the task fails with Unit.


    IO.fromOption(Some(1)) // <->
    IO.fromOption(None)    // <-> IO.raiseError(())
  50. def fromOptionEval[E, E1 >: E, A](opt: IO[E, Option[A]], ifEmpty: => E1): IO[E1, A]

    Builds a new IO instance out of a IO[E, Option[A]].

    Builds a new IO instance out of a IO[E, Option[A]]. If the inner Option is empty, the task fails with the provided fallback.


    type ErrorCode = Int
    final case class Item()
    def findItem(id: Int): IO[ErrorCode, Option[Item]] =
    IO.fromOptionEval(findItem(1), 404)
  51. def fromReactivePublisher[A](source: Publisher[A]): Task[Option[A]]

    Converts an org.reactivestreams.Publisher into a IO.

    Converts an org.reactivestreams.Publisher into a IO.

    See for the Reactive Streams specification.


    is the org.reactivestreams.Publisher reference to wrap into a IO.

    See also

    IO.toReactivePublisher for converting a IO into a reactive publisher.

  52. def fromTry[A](a: Try[A]): Task[A]

    Builds a Task instance out of a Scala Try.

  53. def fromTryEither[E, A](a: Try[Either[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Builds a IO instance out of scala Either wrapped in scala Try

  54. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  55. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  56. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  57. def left[A, B](a: A): UIO[Either[A, B]]

    Returns an IO that on execution is always successful, emitting left value.

  58. def liftFrom[F[_]](implicit F: IOLike[F]): ~>[F, Task]

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type into Task.

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type into Task.

    Useful for mapK transformations, for example when working with Resource or Iterant:

    import cats.effect.{IO => CIO, _}
    def open(file: File) =
      Resource[CIO, InputStream](CIO {
        val in = new FileInputStream(file)
        (in, CIO(in.close()))
    // Lifting to a Resource of Task
    val res: Resource[Task, InputStream] =
      open(new File("sample")).mapK(Task.liftFrom[CIO])
  59. def liftFromConcurrentEffect[F[_]](implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): ~>[F, Task]

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type, that implements cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect, into Task.

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type, that implements cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect, into Task.

    Useful for mapK transformations, for example when working with Resource or Iterant.

    This is the less generic liftFrom operation, supplied in order order to force the usage of ConcurrentEffect for where it matters.

  60. def liftFromEffect[F[_]](implicit F: Effect[F]): ~>[F, Task]

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type, that implements Effect, into Task.

    Returns a F ~> Task (FunctionK) for transforming any supported data-type, that implements Effect, into Task.

    Useful for mapK transformations, for example when working with Resource or Iterant.

    This is the less generic liftFrom operation, supplied in order order to force the usage of Effect for where it matters.

  61. def liftTo[F[_]](implicit F: IOLift[F]): ~>[Task, F]

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a IOLift instance).

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a IOLift instance).


    import cats.effect.{IO => CIO, _}
    // Needed for converting from Task to something else, because we need
    // ConcurrentEffect[Task] capabilities, also provided by [[BIOApp]]
    def open(file: File) =
      Resource[Task, InputStream](Task {
        val in = new FileInputStream(file)
        (in, Task(in.close()))
    // Lifting to a Resource of cats.effect.IO
    val res: Resource[CIO, InputStream] =
      open(new File("sample")).mapK(Task.liftTo[CIO])
    // This was needed in order to process the resource
    // with a Task, instead of a Coeval
    res.use { in =>
      CIO {
  62. def liftToAsync[F[_]](implicit F: cats.effect.Async[F], eff: Effect[Task]): ~>[Task, F]

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a cats.effect.Async) instance.

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a cats.effect.Async) instance.


    Prefer to use liftTo, this alternative is provided in order to force the usage of cats.effect.Async, since IOLift is lawless.

  63. def liftToConcurrent[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F], eff: ConcurrentEffect[Task]): ~>[Task, F]

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a cats.effect.Concurrent) instance.

    Generates cats.FunctionK values for converting from Task to supporting types (for which we have a cats.effect.Concurrent) instance.


    Prefer to use liftTo, this alternative is provided in order to force the usage of cats.effect.Concurrent, since IOLift is lawless.

  64. def map2[E, A1, A2, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2])(f: (A1, A2) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 2 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Pairs 2 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Returns a new IO reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

    This is a specialized IO.sequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in order, one after another, the operation being described in terms of .flatMap.

    val fa1 = IO(1)
    val fa2 = IO(2)
    // Yields Success(3)
    IO.map2(fa1, fa2) { (a, b) =>
      a + b
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.map2(fa1, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))) { (a, b: Int) =>
      a + b
  65. def map3[E, A1, A2, A3, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3])(f: (A1, A2, A3) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 3 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Pairs 3 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Returns a new IO reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

    This is a specialized IO.sequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in order, one after another, the operation being described in terms of .flatMap.

    val fa1 = IO(1)
    val fa2 = IO(2)
    val fa3 = IO(3)
    // Yields Success(6)
    IO.map3(fa1, fa2, fa3) { (a, b, c) =>
      a + b + c
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.map3(fa1, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3) { (a, b: Int, c) =>
      a + b + c
  66. def map4[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 4 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Pairs 4 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Returns a new IO reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

    This is a specialized IO.sequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in order, one after another, the operation being described in terms of .flatMap.

    val fa1 = IO(1)
    val fa2 = IO(2)
    val fa3 = IO(3)
    val fa4 = IO(4)
    // Yields Success(10)
    IO.map4(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4) { (a, b, c, d) =>
      a + b + c + d
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.map4(fa1, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4) {
      (a, b: Int, c, d) => a + b + c + d
  67. def map5[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 5 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Pairs 5 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Returns a new IO reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

    This is a specialized IO.sequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in order, one after another, the operation being described in terms of .flatMap.

    val fa1 = IO(1)
    val fa2 = IO(2)
    val fa3 = IO(3)
    val fa4 = IO(4)
    val fa5 = IO(5)
    // Yields Success(15)
    IO.map5(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5) { (a, b, c, d, e) =>
      a + b + c + d + e
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.map5(fa1, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4, fa5) {
      (a, b: Int, c, d, e) => a + b + c + d + e
  68. def map6[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5], fa6: IO[E, A6])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 6 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Pairs 6 IO values, applying the given mapping function.

    Returns a new IO reference that completes with the result of mapping that function to their successful results, or in failure in case either of them fails.

    This is a specialized IO.sequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in order, one after another, the operation being described in terms of .flatMap.

    val fa1 = IO(1)
    val fa2 = IO(2)
    val fa3 = IO(3)
    val fa4 = IO(4)
    val fa5 = IO(5)
    val fa6 = IO(6)
    // Yields Success(21)
    IO.map6(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) { (a, b, c, d, e, f) =>
      a + b + c + d + e + f
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.map6(fa1, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo")), fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) {
      (a, b: Int, c, d, e, f) => a + b + c + d + e + f
  69. def mapBoth[E, A1, A2, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2])(f: (A1, A2) => R): IO[E, R]

    Yields a task that on evaluation will process the given tasks in parallel, then apply the given mapping function on their results.

    Yields a task that on evaluation will process the given tasks in parallel, then apply the given mapping function on their results.


    val task1 = Task(1 + 1)
    val task2 = Task(2 + 2)
    // Yields 6
    Task.mapBoth(task1, task2)((a, b) => a + b)

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

  70. implicit def monadError[E]: CatsBaseForTask[E]
    Definition Classes
  71. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  72. def never[A]: UIO[A]

    A Task instance that upon evaluation will never complete.

  73. def none[A]: UIO[Option[A]]

    Returns an IO that on execution is always successful, emitting None.

  74. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  75. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  76. def now[A](a: A): UIO[A]

    Returns a IO that on execution is always successful, emitting the given strict value.

  77. def parMap2[E, A1, A2, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2])(f: (A1, A2) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 2 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel.

    Pairs 2 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel.

    This is a specialized IO.parSequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in parallel, ordering the results. In case one of the tasks fails, then all other tasks get cancelled and the final result will be a failure.

    val fa1 = UIO(1)
    val fa2 = UIO(2)
    // Yields Success(3)
    IO.parMap2(fa1, fa2) { (a, b) =>
      a + b
    val ex: Task[Int] = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.parMap2(fa1, ex) { (a, b) =>
      a + b

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See IO.map2 for sequential processing.

  78. def parMap3[E, A1, A2, A3, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3])(f: (A1, A2, A3) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 3 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel.

    Pairs 3 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel.

    This is a specialized IO.parSequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in parallel, ordering the results. In case one of the tasks fails, then all other tasks get cancelled and the final result will be a failure.

    val fa1 = UIO(1)
    val fa2 = UIO(2)
    val fa3 = UIO(3)
    // Yields Success(6)
    IO.parMap3(fa1, fa2, fa3) { (a, b, c) =>
      a + b + c
    val ex: Task[Int] = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.parMap3(fa1, ex, fa3) { (a, b, c) =>
      a + b + c

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See IO.map3 for sequential processing.

  79. def parMap4[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 4 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    Pairs 4 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    This is a specialized IO.parSequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in parallel, ordering the results. In case one of the tasks fails, then all other tasks get cancelled and the final result will be a failure.

    val fa1 = UIO(1)
    val fa2 = UIO(2)
    val fa3 = UIO(3)
    val fa4 = UIO(4)
    // Yields Success(10)
    IO.parMap4(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4) { (a, b, c, d) =>
      a + b + c + d
    val ex: Task[Int] = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.parMap4(fa1, ex, fa3, fa4) {
      (a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See IO.map4 for sequential processing.

  80. def parMap5[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 5 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    Pairs 5 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    This is a specialized IO.parSequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in parallel, ordering the results. In case one of the tasks fails, then all other tasks get cancelled and the final result will be a failure.

    val fa1 = UIO(1)
    val fa2 = UIO(2)
    val fa3 = UIO(3)
    val fa4 = UIO(4)
    val fa5 = UIO(5)
    // Yields Success(15)
    IO.parMap5(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5) { (a, b, c, d, e) =>
      a + b + c + d + e
    val ex: Task[Int] = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.parMap5(fa1, ex, fa3, fa4, fa5) {
      (a, b, c, d, e) => a + b + c + d + e

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See IO.map5 for sequential processing.

  81. def parMap6[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5], fa6: IO[E, A6])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) => R): IO[E, R]

    Pairs 6 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    Pairs 6 IO values, applying the given mapping function, ordering the results, but not the side effects, the evaluation being done in parallel if the tasks are async.

    This is a specialized IO.parSequence operation and as such the tasks are evaluated in parallel, ordering the results. In case one of the tasks fails, then all other tasks get cancelled and the final result will be a failure.

    val fa1 = UIO(1)
    val fa2 = UIO(2)
    val fa3 = UIO(3)
    val fa4 = UIO(4)
    val fa5 = UIO(5)
    val fa6 = UIO(6)
    // Yields Success(21)
    IO.parMap6(fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) { (a, b, c, d, e, f) =>
      a + b + c + d + e + f
    val ex: Task[Int] = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boo"))
    // Yields Failure(e), because the second arg is a failure
    IO.parMap6(fa1, ex, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6) {
      (a, b, c, d, e, f) => a + b + c + d + e + f

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See IO.map6 for sequential processing.

  82. def parSequence[E, A](in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    Executes the given sequence of tasks in parallel, non-deterministically gathering their results, returning a task that will signal the sequence of results once all tasks are finished.

    Executes the given sequence of tasks in parallel, non-deterministically gathering their results, returning a task that will signal the sequence of results once all tasks are finished.

    This function is the nondeterministic analogue of sequence and should behave identically to sequence so long as there is no interaction between the effects being gathered. However, unlike sequence, which decides on a total order of effects, the effects in a parSequence are unordered with respect to each other, the tasks being execute in parallel, not in sequence.

    Although the effects are unordered, we ensure the order of results matches the order of the input sequence. Also see parSequenceUnordered for the more efficient alternative.


    val tasks = List(Task(1 + 1), Task(2 + 2), Task(3 + 3))
    // Yields 2, 4, 6

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    parSequenceN for a version that limits parallelism.

  83. def parSequenceN[E, A](parallelism: Int)(in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    Executes the given sequence of tasks in parallel, non-deterministically gathering their results, returning a task that will signal the sequence of results once all tasks are finished.

    Executes the given sequence of tasks in parallel, non-deterministically gathering their results, returning a task that will signal the sequence of results once all tasks are finished.

    Implementation ensure there are at most n (= parallelism parameter) tasks running concurrently and the results are returned in order.


    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    val tasks = List(
      Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second),
      Task(2 + 2).delayExecution(2.second),
      Task(3 + 3).delayExecution(3.second),
      Task(4 + 4).delayExecution(4.second)
    // Yields 2, 4, 6, 8 after around 6 seconds

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    parSequence for a version that does not limit parallelism.

  84. def parSequenceUnordered[E, A](in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    Processes the given collection of tasks in parallel and nondeterministically gather the results without keeping the original ordering of the given tasks.

    Processes the given collection of tasks in parallel and nondeterministically gather the results without keeping the original ordering of the given tasks.

    This function is similar to parSequence, but neither the effects nor the results will be ordered. Useful when you don't need ordering because:

    • it has non-blocking behavior (but not wait-free)
    • it can be more efficient (compared with parSequence), but not necessarily (if you care about performance, then test)


    val tasks = List(Task(1 + 1), Task(2 + 2), Task(3 + 3))
    // Yields 2, 4, 6 (but order is NOT guaranteed)

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.


    is a list of tasks to execute

  85. def parTraverse[E, A, B](in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => IO[E, B], nondeterministically apply the function to each element of the collection and return a task that will signal a collection of the results once all tasks are finished.

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => IO[E, B], nondeterministically apply the function to each element of the collection and return a task that will signal a collection of the results once all tasks are finished.

    This function is the nondeterministic analogue of traverse and should behave identically to traverse so long as there is no interaction between the effects being gathered. However, unlike traverse, which decides on a total order of effects, the effects in a parTraverse are unordered with respect to each other.

    Although the effects are unordered, we ensure the order of results matches the order of the input sequence. Also see parTraverseUnordered for the more efficient alternative.

    It's a generalized version of parSequence.

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    parTraverseN for a version that limits parallelism.

  86. def parTraverseN[E, A, B](parallelism: Int)(in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    Applies the provided function in a non-deterministic way to each element of the input collection.

    Applies the provided function in a non-deterministic way to each element of the input collection. The result will be signalled once all tasks are finished with a success, or as soon as some task finishes with a typed or terminal error.

    Note that his method has a fail-fast semantics: as soon as one of the tasks fails (either in a typed or terminal manner), no subsequent tasks will be executed and they will be cancelled.

    The final result will be a collection of success values, or a typed/fatal error if at least one of the tasks finished without a success.

    This method allows specifying the parallelism level of the execution, i.e. the maximum number of how many tasks should be running concurrently.

    Although the execution of the effects is unordered and non-deterministic, the collection of results will preserve the order of the input collection.


    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    // Yields 2, 4, 6, 8 after around 6 seconds
    IO.parTraverseN(2)(numbers)(n => IO(n + n).delayExecution(n.second))

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    parTraverse for a version that does not limit parallelism.

  87. def parTraverseUnordered[E, A, B](in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => IO[E, B], nondeterministically apply the function to each element of the collection without keeping the original ordering of the results.

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => IO[E, B], nondeterministically apply the function to each element of the collection without keeping the original ordering of the results.

    This function is similar to parTraverse, but neither the effects nor the results will be ordered. Useful when you don't need ordering because:

    • it has non-blocking behavior (but not wait-free)
    • it can be more efficient (compared with parTraverse), but not necessarily (if you care about performance, then test)

    It's a generalized version of parSequenceUnordered.

    ADVICE: In a real life scenario the tasks should be expensive in order to warrant parallel execution. Parallelism doesn't magically speed up the code - it's usually fine for I/O-bound tasks, however for CPU-bound tasks it can make things worse. Performance improvements need to be verified.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

  88. def parZip2[E, A1, A2, R](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2]): IO[E, (A1, A2)]

    Pairs two IO instances using parMap2.

  89. def parZip3[E, A1, A2, A3](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3]): IO[E, (A1, A2, A3)]

    Pairs three IO instances using parMap3.

  90. def parZip4[E, A1, A2, A3, A4](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4]): IO[E, (A1, A2, A3, A4)]

    Pairs four IO instances using parMap4.

  91. def parZip5[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5]): IO[E, (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)]

    Pairs five IO instances using parMap5.

  92. def parZip6[E, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6](fa1: IO[E, A1], fa2: IO[E, A2], fa3: IO[E, A3], fa4: IO[E, A4], fa5: IO[E, A5], fa6: IO[E, A6]): IO[E, (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)]

    Pairs six IO instances using parMap6.

  93. def pure[A](a: A): UIO[A]

    Lifts a value into the task context.

    Lifts a value into the task context. Alias for now.

  94. def race[E, A, B](fa: IO[E, A], fb: IO[E, B]): IO[E, Either[A, B]]

    Run two Task actions concurrently, and return the first to finish, either in success or error.

    Run two Task actions concurrently, and return the first to finish, either in success or error. The loser of the race is cancelled.

    The two tasks are executed in parallel, the winner being the first that signals a result.

    As an example, this would be equivalent with IO.timeout:

    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException
    // some long running task
    val myTask = Task(42)
    val timeoutError = Task
      .raiseError(new TimeoutException)
    Task.race(myTask, timeoutError)

    Similarly IO.timeoutTo is expressed in terms of race.

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    racePair for a version that does not cancel the loser automatically on successful results and doctodo raceMany for a version that races a whole list of tasks.

  95. def raceMany[E, A](tasks: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Runs multiple tasks in a concurrent way and returns the fastest of them, regardless whether it's a success, a typed error or a terminal error.

    Runs multiple tasks in a concurrent way and returns the fastest of them, regardless whether it's a success, a typed error or a terminal error. Every task losing the race gets cancelled.

    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    val tasks: List[UIO[Int]] =
      List(1, 2, 3).map(i => IO.sleep(i.seconds).map(_ => i))
    val winner: UIO[Int] = IO.raceMany(tasks)

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    race or racePair for racing two tasks, which might give you more control over the execution.

  96. def racePair[E, A, B](fa: IO[E, A], fb: IO[E, B]): IO[E, Either[(A, Fiber[E, B]), (Fiber[E, A], B)]]

    Run two Task actions concurrently, and returns a pair containing both the winner's successful value and the loser represented as a still-unfinished task.

    Run two Task actions concurrently, and returns a pair containing both the winner's successful value and the loser represented as a still-unfinished task.

    If the first task completes in error, then the result will complete in error, the other task being cancelled.

    On usage the user has the option of cancelling the losing task, this being equivalent with plain race:

    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    val ta = Task.sleep(2.seconds).map(_ => "a")
    val tb = Task.sleep(3.seconds).map(_ => "b")
    // `tb` is going to be cancelled as it returns 1 second after `ta`
    Task.racePair(ta, tb).flatMap {
      case Left((a, taskB)) => => a)
      case Right((taskA, b)) => => b)

    NOTE: the tasks get forked automatically so there's no need to force asynchronous execution for immediate tasks, parallelism being guaranteed when multi-threading is available!

    All specified tasks get evaluated in parallel, regardless of their execution model (IO.eval vs IO.evalAsync doesn't matter). Also the implementation tries to be smart about detecting forked tasks so it can eliminate extraneous forks for the very obvious cases.

    See also

    race for a simpler version that cancels the loser immediately or doctodo raceMany that races collections of tasks.

  97. def raiseError[E](ex: E): IO[E, Nothing]

    Returns a task that on execution is always finishing in error emitting the specified value in a typed error channel.

  98. def raiseUnless[E](cond: Boolean)(e: => E): IO[E, Unit]

    Returns raiseError when cond is false, otherwise IO.unit

    Returns raiseError when cond is false, otherwise IO.unit

    1. val tooMany = 5
      val x: Int = ???
      IO.raiseUnless(x < tooMany)(new IllegalArgumentException("Too many"))
  99. def raiseWhen[E](cond: Boolean)(e: => E): IO[E, Unit]

    Returns raiseError when the cond is true, otherwise IO.unit

    Returns raiseError when the cond is true, otherwise IO.unit

    1. val tooMany = 5
      val x: Int = ???
      IO.raiseWhen(x >= tooMany)(new IllegalArgumentException("Too many"))
  100. val readOptions: UIO[Options]

    Returns the current IO.Options configuration, which determine the task's run-loop behavior.

    Returns the current IO.Options configuration, which determine the task's run-loop behavior.

    See also


  101. def rethrow[E, A](fa: IO[E, Either[E, A]]): IO[E, A]

    Inverse of attempt.

    Inverse of attempt. Creates a new IO that absorbs Either.

    IO.rethrow( <->

    IO.rethrow("error"))) <-> IO.raiseError("error")

  102. def right[A, B](b: B): UIO[Either[A, B]]

    Returns an IO that on execution is always successful, emitting right value.

  103. def sequence[E, A](in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    Given a Iterable of tasks, transforms it to a task signaling the collection, executing the tasks one by one and gathering their results in the same collection.

    Given a Iterable of tasks, transforms it to a task signaling the collection, executing the tasks one by one and gathering their results in the same collection.

    This operation will execute the tasks one by one, in order, which means that both effects and results will be ordered. See parSequence and parSequenceUnordered for unordered results or effects, and thus potential of running in parallel.

    It's a simple version of traverse.

  104. def shift(ec: ExecutionContext): UIO[Unit]

    Asynchronous boundary described as an effectful Task that can be used in flatMap chains to "shift" the continuation of the run-loop to another call stack or thread, managed by the given execution context.

    Asynchronous boundary described as an effectful Task that can be used in flatMap chains to "shift" the continuation of the run-loop to another call stack or thread, managed by the given execution context.

    This is the equivalent of IO.shift.

    For example we can introduce an asynchronous boundary in the flatMap chain before a certain task, this being literally the implementation of executeAsync:

    val task = IO.eval(35)
    IO.shift.flatMap(_ => task)

    And this can also be described with >> from Cats:

    import cats.syntax.all._
    IO.shift >> task

    Or we can specify an asynchronous boundary after the evaluation of a certain task, this being literally the implementation of .asyncBoundary:

    task.flatMap(a => => a))

    And again we can also describe this with <* from Cats:

    task <* IO.shift
  105. val shift: UIO[Unit]

    Asynchronous boundary described as an effectful Task that can be used in flatMap chains to "shift" the continuation of the run-loop to another thread or call stack, managed by the default Scheduler.

    Asynchronous boundary described as an effectful Task that can be used in flatMap chains to "shift" the continuation of the run-loop to another thread or call stack, managed by the default Scheduler.

    This is the equivalent of IO.shift, except that Monix's Task gets executed with an injected Scheduler in IO.runAsync or in IO.runToFuture and that's going to be the Scheduler responsible for the "shift".

    For example we can introduce an asynchronous boundary in the flatMap chain before a certain task, this being literally the implementation of executeAsync:

    val task = IO.eval(35)
    IO.shift.flatMap(_ => task)

    And this can also be described with >> from Cats:

    import cats.syntax.all._
    IO.shift >> task

    Or we can specify an asynchronous boundary after the evaluation of a certain task, this being literally the implementation of .asyncBoundary:

    task.flatMap(a => => a))

    And again we can also describe this with <* from Cats:

    task <* IO.shift
    See also

    IO.executeOn for a way to override the default Scheduler

  106. def sleep(timespan: FiniteDuration): UIO[Unit]

    Creates a new Task that will sleep for the given duration, emitting a tick when that time span is over.

    Creates a new Task that will sleep for the given duration, emitting a tick when that time span is over.

    As an example on evaluation this will print "Hello!" after 3 seconds:

    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    IO.sleep(3.seconds).flatMap { _ =>

    See IO.delayExecution for this operation described as a method on Task references or IO.delayResult for the helper that triggers the evaluation of the source on time, but then delays the result.

  107. def some[A](a: A): UIO[Option[A]]

    Returns an IO that on execution is always successful, emitting some value.

  108. def suspend[A](fa: => Task[A]): Task[A]

    Alias for defer.

  109. def suspendTotal[E, A](fa: => IO[E, A]): IO[E, A]

    Alias for deferTotal.

  110. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  111. def tailRecM[E, A, B](a: A)(f: (A) => IO[E, Either[A, B]]): IO[E, B]

    Keeps calling f until it returns a Right result.

    Keeps calling f until it returns a Right result.

    Based on Phil Freeman's Stack Safety for Free.

  112. def terminate(ex: Throwable): UIO[Nothing]

    Returns a task that on execution is always finishing in a fatal (unexpected) error emitting the specified exception.

    Returns a task that on execution is always finishing in a fatal (unexpected) error emitting the specified exception.

    This type of errors is not reflected in the type signature and it skips all regular error handlers, except for IO.redeemCause and IO.redeemCauseWith.

  113. def timer[E](s: Scheduler): Timer[[β$23$]IO[E, β$23$]]

    Builds a cats.effect.Timer instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Builds a cats.effect.Timer instance, given a Scheduler reference.

    Definition Classes
  114. implicit def timer[E]: Timer[[β$18$]IO[E, β$18$]]

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.Timer implementation that defers the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Default, pure, globally visible cats.effect.Timer implementation that defers the evaluation to Task's default Scheduler (that's being injected in IO.runToFuture).

    Definition Classes
  115. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  116. val trace: UIO[IOTrace]

    Returns the accumulated trace of the currently active fiber.

  117. def traverse[E, A, B](in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => Task[B], sequentially apply the function to each element of the collection and gather their results in the same collection.

    Given a Iterable[A] and a function A => Task[B], sequentially apply the function to each element of the collection and gather their results in the same collection.

    It's a generalized version of sequence.

  118. val unit: UIO[Unit]

    A Task[Unit] provided for convenience.

  119. def unless[E](cond: Boolean)(action: => IO[E, Unit]): IO[E, Unit]

    Returns the given argument if cond is false, otherwise IO.Unit

    Returns the given argument if cond is false, otherwise IO.Unit

    See also

    IO.when for the inverse

    IO.raiseWhen for conditionally raising an error

  120. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  121. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  122. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  123. def when[E](cond: Boolean)(action: => IO[E, Unit]): IO[E, Unit]

    Returns the given argument if cond is true, otherwise IO.Unit

    Returns the given argument if cond is true, otherwise IO.Unit

    See also

    IO.unless for the inverse

    IO.raiseWhen for conditionally raising an error

  124. object AsyncBuilder extends AsyncBuilder0
  125. object Par extends Newtype2[IO]

    Newtype encoding, see the IO.Par type alias for more details.

    Newtype encoding, see the IO.Par type alias for more details.

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def gather[E, A](in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequence.

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequence.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.1.0) Use parSequence

  2. def gatherN[E, A](parallelism: Int)(in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequenceN

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequenceN

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.1.0) Use parSequenceN

  3. def gatherUnordered[E, A](in: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequenceUnordered

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parSequenceUnordered

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.1.0) Use parSequenceUnordered

  4. def wander[E, A, B](in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverse

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverse

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.1.0) Use parTraverse

  5. def wanderN[E, A, B](parallelism: Int)(in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverseN

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverseN

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.1.0) Use parTraverseN

  6. def wanderUnordered[E, A, B, M[X] <: Iterable[X]](in: M[A])(f: (A) => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverseUnordered

    DEPRECATED — renamed to IO.parTraverseUnordered

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 3.2.0) Use parTraverseUnordered

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from TaskInstancesLevel0

Inherited from TaskInstancesLevel1

Inherited from TaskInstancesLevel2

Inherited from TaskParallelNewtype

Inherited from TaskContextShift

Inherited from TaskTimers

Inherited from TaskClocks

Inherited from Companion

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
